About Us

About Us

We are a small, family owned kennel located near Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The goal of our breeding program is to produce German Shepherd puppies that are long lived, healthy and really easy to train. Too many dogs in our breed are stubborn as mules. Dogs like this can be terribly frustrating. Here at Czech Working Line we work our ideal German Shepherd puppies that are calm, even-keeled and bond strongly with their handlers and families. As active dogs, their high drive enables many of our German Shepherd puppies to compete at the highest levels of Schutzhund and IGP competition.  With proper training, our lines  thrive in Schutzhund, police and military environments. When combined with a clear on/off switch, these dogs perform equally well both in and out of the home. Though serious when working, our German Shepherd puppies will thrive as loyal companions.

Our German Shepherd puppies come from world class Czech, Slovak and German working GSD lines. They possess the temperament necessary to produce sound litters. Our dogs are AKC registered. they are Hip & Elbow certified by the OFA or SV.

Boutique Breeding Operation

A family run “boutique” breeding operation, we absolutely love the darker coloring rarely found in American show lines. Loving these darker colors, we have built our lines around the black and “ultra black sable” IGP titled working lines. There are quite a few dark sables in the working line GSDs. Some are dark enough to merit the description black sable. And for those of you fortunate enough to see some of those really dark colored black sables— you know first hand what a treat it can be to see these dogs in living color. Our stud dog Querro is a prime example. With a massive head, a deep barrel rib cage and front legs build like a Mac truck, Querro is a sight to behold. His midnight black sable coat is just the icing on the cake. You can find German Shepherd puppies for sale about anywhere. But something like Querro or a few of our select females…? Get ready to put on your walking shoes. These dogs are a rare find.

Choosing the Right Breeder Matters

As one of the most popular dog breeds, you have options. Merging modern science with world class breeding practices give our puppies a distinct advantage. Living out our mission to truly breed “generationally better” dogs might just be the reason to choose a Czech Working Line GSD as your next. Early neurological stimulation is one of those practices distinguishing our available German Shepherd puppies from run of the mill and even many show breeders. From day old puppies to our most fiercely, IGP 3 trained studs, our dogs get loads of human interaction. They are exposed to a wide variety of stimulatory environments, people, and other animals. Providing this environment to adult dogs is a bonus. For young puppies, this early neurological stimulation can be life changing.

Going the Second Mile: Early Neurological Stimulation

Newborn German Shepherd puppies benefit from early neurological stimulation. Exposing neonatal puppies to mild, short term changes in body temperature, separation from mom, and to a variety of textures in floor surfaces and temperatures stimulates an epigenetic response in young puppies. A growing body of scientific research shows how mild epigenetic stressors actually turn on specific genes within a puppy’s genome. These stressors stimulate the hormonal, adrenal and pituitary systems, providing significant benefits as they mature. If this were not enough, this early neurological stimulation has been demonstrated to provide significant immunological benefits. These benefits include increased resistance to various forms of cancer and infectious disease. They were better able to withstand extreme cold than their non-stressed littermates. In short, these animals tended to be noticeably faster, stronger, healthier, and more sound than their unstressed littermate counterparts.

Breeding as Part of Ethical Living

Raising the right kind of German Shepherd puppies makes sense from a place of ethics. Done right, our breeding program will contribute to our community. And hopefully, our dogs will leave the world just a little bit better because they were here with us.
Our commitment to ethical German Shepherd breeding flows from our commitment to ethical living. On our farm, we raise free range, poultry. During the warmer months, chickens roam. They eat bugs. They even eat grass. Not much profit here. But my wife and our children eat well. That’s the right order. The chickens eat the bugs. We eat the chickens… Some of our politicians might need some time on the farm getting that order sorted out!
Following these same principles, we raise our beef cows without antibiotics. They are grass finished (Spend an afternoon researching the effects of a grain diet on cows finished in feedlots… That will be an adventure.). These practices are healthier for the cows. And, arguably, these grass fed cows provide a healthier choice for the dinner table.

This same question of ethics extends to our farmland. Are we strip mining the soil for short-term profit. Or, do we steward the land? Are we advancing practices of regenerative land management such that soil on our farm improves year over year? Do our farm practice lead towards human suffering or human flourishing.

Our hope as we raise our Shepherds is that in some small way, your life is better because our paths cross. Whether that occurs as you glean bits and pieces of useful information from our site, whether we talk on the phone, or whether you end up with one of our German Shepherd puppies, our hope is that your life is better because we met.

Breeding as Part of Ethical Family Life

Our small scale breeding program flows from this commitment towards human flourishing and leaving our community and world better than we first arrived. Just as we don’t raise our cows in a feedlot, a similar commitment requires we consciously limit the litters we produce. As an active breed, this commitment to care for our world requires we provide opportunity for our dogs to stretch their legs, to run, swim and lovingly connect with our family. Our dogs rotate across our couches on movie night. Our children compete for their love and attention.

Personal Investment as Part of Ethical Breeding

This commitment to ethical living gets personal quick. Ethical breeding comes at a cost. A really high caliber IGP 3 trained stud can break the bank. Literally! These dogs often come at a cost not of thousands or even multiple thousand dollars, but tens of thousands. Could we cut corners? Absolutely. But could we make these cuts while accomplishing our mission of improving successive generations in working line German Shepherds. No, we could not.

Working towards our mission of improving the breed requires ethical breeders continually make the kind of hard choices necessary if one intends to improve his or her corner of the world. Dogs of Querro’s caliber (Querro od Hradčanského rybníka), our beloved Schutzhund tested, IGP 3 titled stud is the kind of dog that moves us towards our mission of improving the breed. Or you can look at Atena’s pedigree on working dogs. A daughter of multiple world champion WUSV winner Gero z Berounsky, Atena is the kind of dog that makes your heart kind of skip a beat. We are currently training a Gero grand daughter we produced here in house. And wow. This girl responds to training like a duck to water!

Without question, we will not be the cheapest source when searching for a German Shepherd puppies. We do our best to not be the most expensive. But we have made peace with the fact that we will not be the cheapest. Ethics prevents us from churning litters. Hopefully, this commitment to ethical breeding keeps us moving forward on a path where your world, like ours is a better place because we meet.

Partner With Us

Most likely, if you have read this far through our website, it’s because you have been searching for a healthy, working-line GSD, a puppy with a sound temperament and strong nerves. Our pet prices with limited AKC registration typically range between $3000 and $4000 depending pedigree in a given litter. Sport dogs or breeding prospects with full AKC will cost more. Beyond the actual puppy purchase, we offer a somewhat unique training opportunity. For new homes interested in adding obedience training to your new puppy before he/she comes home, we also offer structured, obedience training as an add on option to your puppy purchase. Here at Czech Working Line GSDs, we are grateful for your interest. We love our dogs. We are sure you will also love them. We look forward to partner with you as you look to bring that perfect new puppy to your home.