The Power of High-Value Treats in Obedience Training Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

The Power of High-Value Treats in Obedience Training Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

The Power of High-Value Treats in Obedience Training Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

Training your Alsatian Shepherd puppy can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. Despite the breed’s natural intelligence and eagerness to please, proper training techniques are crucial to ensure a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. One of the most effective tools in obedience training is the use of high-value treats, such as bacon and real meat. These treats not only captivate your puppy’s attention but also reinforce positive behaviors in a meaningful way. In this article, we will explore why using high-value treats is essential for training your German Shepherd puppy and provide practical tips for their effective use.

Why High-Value Treats Matter When Obedience Training Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

1. Maximizing Attention and Focus

Alsatian Shepherd puppies, like all young dogs, have short attention spans and are easily distracted. High-value treats, which are typically more enticing than standard kibble or commercial dog biscuits, can help maintain their focus during training sessions. The strong aroma and delicious taste of bacon and real meat irresistibly attract your Alsatian Shepherd puppy’s interest, ensuring they stay engaged and attentive to your commands.

2. Reinforcing Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement is a cornerstone of modern dog training. High-value treats serve as powerful rewards that reinforce good behavior. When your puppy associates following a command with receiving a delectable piece of bacon or a chunk of cooked chicken, they are more likely to repeat the behavior in the future. This method effectively communicates to your puppy which actions are desirable, accelerating the learning process.

3. Building a Strong Bond

Using high-value treats during training strengthens the bond between you and your puppy. Your German Shepherd will come to see you as a source of positive experiences, fostering trust and cooperation. This emotional connection is vital for successful training, ensuring your Alsatian Shepherd puppy feels secure and willing to follow your lead.

4. Encouraging Consistency and Reliability

German Shepherds are known for their working capabilities and high energy levels. Training them to respond consistently to commands, even in distracting environments, is crucial. High-value treats can be a game-changer in such situations. The more compelling the reward, the more likely your puppy will respond reliably to your commands, regardless of the distractions. This reliability is particularly important for maintaining control in public spaces or high-stimulation environments.

5. Enhancing Motivation

Motivation is key to successful training. While some puppies may be driven by praise or play, food is a universally powerful motivator. High-value treats can significantly boost your Alsatian Sheherd puppy’s motivation, especially when tackling challenging commands or working through tougher training sessions. The promise of a tasty reward keeps your puppy enthusiastic and eager to learn.

Choosing the Right High-Value Treats for Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

Not all treats are created equal. When selecting high-value treats for your German Shepherd puppy, consider the following:

1. Fat and Protein Content

Treats such as bacon and real meat are high in protein and healthy fats, which are essential for your puppy’s growth and energy. They provide not only an irresistible reward but also nutritional benefits that support overall health.

2. Digestibility

Choose treats that are easy for your Alsatian Shepherd puppy to digest. Puppies’ digestive systems are still developing, so it’s important to avoid treats that could cause stomach upset. Lean meats, like chicken or turkey, are generally more digestible than greasy or processed foods.

3. Allergen Awareness

Be mindful of potential allergens. Some dogs have sensitivities or allergies to certain proteins, such as beef or pork. Monitor your puppy for any signs of allergic reactions and consult your veterinarian if you suspect food sensitivities.

4. Portion Control

While high-value treats are effective, it’s crucial to use them in moderation. Bacon, for example, is delicious but should be given sparingly due to its high salt and fat content. Break treats into small pieces to keep your puppy from overeating while still providing enough incentive.

5. Homemade Options

Consider preparing your own high-value treats at home. Cooking chicken breast, turkey, or even lean beef can be a healthier and more cost-effective option. Plus, you have control over the ingredients and can ensure there are no additives or preservatives.

Practical Tips for Using High-Value Treats in Training Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy

1. Timing is Everything

The timing of giving treats is critical in reinforcing behaviors. Make sure to deliver the treat immediately after your puppy performs the desired action. This quick reward helps your puppy make the connection between their behavior and the treat.

2. Establish a Reward Marker

Using a consistent reward marker, like a clicker or a specific word (e.g., “yes” or “good”), can help your puppy understand exactly what behavior earned them the treat. This marker bridges the gap between the action and the reward, making the training process clearer and more effective.

3. Gradual Reduction

Over time, aim to gradually reduce the frequency of treats. Start by rewarding every correct behavior, then move to a variable schedule where only exceptional performances receive a treat. Eventually, your Alsatian Shepherd puppy will learn to obey commands without expecting a treat every time, relying instead on praise or petting as a reward.

4. Use Treats Sparingly for Advanced Commands

Reserve the most enticing high-value treats for challenging commands or situations where your puppy needs extra motivation. For simpler tasks, use lower-value treats or praise. This approach ensures that the high-value treats retain their special allure for difficult training scenarios.

5. Pair with Other Rewards

Combine high-value treats with other forms of rewards, such as verbal praise, petting, or playtime. This multi-faceted reward system can enhance your puppy’s learning experience and keep training sessions varied and interesting.

Addressing Potential Challenges With Your Alsatian Shepherd Puppy Training

1. Over-Reliance on Treats

One common concern is the potential over-reliance on treats. It’s essential to balance food rewards with other forms of positive reinforcement. Gradually phase out treats as primary rewards, replacing them with praise, petting, or play. This prevents your puppy from becoming dependent on treats for obedience.

2. Health Considerations

High-value treats should complement a balanced diet, not replace regular meals. Ensure you adjust your puppy’s daily food intake to account for the additional calories from treats. Consult your veterinarian to develop a feeding plan that supports your puppy’s health and growth.

3. Treat Possessiveness

Some dogs may develop possessiveness or guarding behaviors around high-value treats. To mitigate this, practice trading games where you exchange the treat for another desirable item or another treat. This helps your puppy learn to willingly give up high-value items on command, reducing the risk of guarding behaviors.

Incorporating High-Value Treats into Everyday Training of Your Alsatian Shepherd

1. Routine Commands

Use high-value treats to reinforce routine commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These commands form the foundation of obedience training and benefit from the added motivation of a tasty reward.

2. Advanced Training

For more advanced training, such as agility, scent work, or complex tricks, high-value treats can maintain your puppy’s enthusiasm and focus. These activities require significant energy and concentration, making enticing rewards even more crucial.

3. Socialization

High-value treats can play a role in positive socialization experiences. When introducing your puppy to new people, animals, or environments, use treats to create positive associations. Reward calm and friendly behavior, helping your puppy feel more comfortable and confident.

4. Dealing with Behavioral Issues

In addressing behavioral issues, like barking or jumping, high-value treats can redirect your puppy’s attention and encourage alternative behaviors. For instance, if your puppy tends to jump on visitors, train them to sit when guests arrive, rewarding with a high-value treat for the correct behavior.

5. Crisis Training

In emergency situations, such as recall in a distracting or dangerous environment, high-value treats can significantly improve your puppy’s response time. The promise of a special treat can override distractions and ensure your puppy returns promptly when called.


Using high-value treats like bacon and real meat in obedience training your German Shepherd puppy offers multiple benefits, from maximizing attention and reinforcing positive behavior to building a strong bond and ensuring training consistency. While treats are a powerful motivator, they should be used wisely and in combination with other forms of positive reinforcement. By incorporating these strategies, you can effectively train your German Shepherd puppy, fostering a well-behaved, motivated, and happy canine companion. At Czech Working Line we embrace the power of high-value treats, and watch your puppy thrive in their training journey.